Thursday, November 30, 2017

I do love the look of a newly mowed lawn, even 
at the very end of November. It has a peaceful, restful look, as if it's all set for some winter snows. 

Another early workout at the Y today -- up at 5:30 and to the Y by 6:30 for a 45 minute workout. I did the recumbent bike this morning, since I worked out my arms in some serious strength-training yesterday, but I did not enjoy the recumbent, and may avoid it in the future. 

Cia and I had a fairly "free" day today -- no appointments, no unusual chores, just a lot of quiet talking and reading and (for me) writing. I'm working on gathering all of my poems (many hundreds) into one Word document, just for the sake of having them all in one place, 
easy to search and scroll through. 

Another few evening hours before a cozy fire. 
It always lends itself to good conversation 
and attentive reading.  

Cia hard at work on our carefully designed and made-by-hand Christmas cards, a project we've been enjoying for the past few days.