Saturday, December 9, 2017

Last night we had a wonderful dinner and get-together with Tom and Iris, and it was a delightful evening in every way. They are a young couple (in their early 50's, I'd say), and they have the spark and spirit of youth, for sure. Their lives have not been at all easy, filled with their share of turmoil and sorrow, but they are a thoroughly ebullient and forward-looking pair of friends. The food was both simple and spectacular, and the conversation was heartwarming, start to finish. 

This morning we attended the spiritual discussion group at the Friends Meeting House, and the topic was "appreciation". I can't recall a better discussion, though I don't think Delycia enjoyed it as much as I did. I loved the various ways we looked at the word "appreciate", turning it around and around like an art object to see it's various aspects. We even spoke of it in its verb form, as in "When we truly try to appreciate something, it's value appreciates."Several people told stories from their lives that portrayed the value of appreciation in various ways. I can definitely say that I appreciated the discussion.