Tuesday, April 3, 2018

We had a silvery, slow rain falling all day long, so it's been a good day to stay indoors and do some reading and talking and sharing our quiet,  wonderful life together. I did a little work on our upcoming poetry "tournament" later this month, and did a few small, necessary chores. Cia was out and about with some errands and shopping, some of it to get ready for a birthday celebration for Peter Liffiton on Thursday. It will be a feast and festivity that we won't soon forget, I'm sure. 

7:34 pm
I just left the living room, where we shared a warm and comfortable fire for a few hours, as we usually do on wintry days. Now I'm in the bedroom, typing with ease and getting ready to sit beside my honey, watch some Red Sox baseball, and sip some fine wine.  Life is GOOD.