Thursday, October 11, 2018

written on May 3, 2014 in memory of my good friend, Charlie Wright 

         For six years, my friend Charlie fought a fearsome illness, and every time I saw him, I marveled at the strength and grace with which he waged his war. He was a warrior in the best sense, a fighter who used both bravery and patience to beat back the despair that so often besets others in such circumstances. He seemed strong in a serene sort of way, stubborn in a cool, unruffled way. I always sensed what I would call a valiant mildness making its way across the room to me when I visited him, and it made me thankful to be there. It’s strange, how the bravery of someone else can cause a little heroism in ourselves – a little more ability to stand up to the scary things in life and softly but strongly say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done. My friend Charlie spoke quietly but there was daring and steadfastness in his voice. I consider myself lucky to have simply sat and listened.  


The physical presence
of a  good friend
is gone from us today,
but the gifts he gave us
will be given
again and again forever.
Like soft rain,
his quietness
will nurture and restore us
over and over,
and the streams
of his peacefulness
will flow through us
for years to come.
He carried confidence
wherever he went,
and shared it with us,
and shared his sense
that life is full of love and wonders,
and should be lived with bravery
instead of fear.
He faced death
with daring and a smile,
as if death was just a ballplayer
to play catch with
on a mild April day.

He doesn’t stop giving,
this friend of ours,
just because we can’t see him.
He still gives,
and always will,
in his soft and silent way,
tossing the ball of kindness
for us to catch.


Death does its best to scare us,
to show us how strong
and superior it is,
but now, after Charlie,
we know the truth.
We know that kindness
like Charlie’s
is way stronger than death,
that devotion to family
is far more powerful than death,
and that the goodness
of guys like Charlie
gives death
a good and fatal
kick in the teeth.

Yes death,
we see through you now.
You’re not a winner
in any sense,
but simply a fake,
a make-believe force
with no true force whatsoever.
You told us
you take everything away,
but we know the truth now.
Far from taking
Charlie away from us,
you have made his love
look even larger,
and his goodness seem
more everlasting
and more invincible
than the stars.

So goodbye, death.
You’re gone for good,
and kindness and love
like Charlie’s
is with us forever.