Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 28, 2019
Yesterday we drove down to New Haven to see a very interesting production of Shakespeare’sTwelfth Night at Yale Rep. It was a wild, free-wheeling kind of play, the kind of production that Shakespeare himself would have enjoyed. The production had kind of a hip-hop atmosphere to it, with an all black cast doing some crazy dancing and singing and shouting. I think the playwright  himself himself would have been laughing and clapping throughout the performance. Delycia and I both agreed that it was an afternoon well spent in the old theater by Yale University.
That evening, we joined Jane and Charlie and Ken for a delicious meal at Stoneridge. Where I was sitting in the dining room, I could see a beautiful painting of the seacoast and sailboats, and to the left I could see out the windows to the declining evening light. The food, to me, was quite delicious, and the conversation was friendly and breezy, like the spring-like weather outside.

… windows in the sunroom

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