Monday, October 23, 2017

Cia received this email today . . . 

Cia, I LOVE these pictures.  I have to say, that broken toaster was perhaps the best present in the history of presents for Louie.  He CANNOT stop talking about it, planning the next phase of destruction and creation.  Attached are a couple of pictures of the toaster after he and Matt had more of a go at it yesterday.  The first is him happily smashing the last remnants with a hammer (oh, the joy!) and the second is some of the scraps of what they were able to pull out.  He is now planning to build a robot with the parts that we brought home!  So much fun.  I woke up this morning to his face pressed up against mine talking about all the detailed plans for the robot (who he and Matt have named Frankentoast).  The boy’s brain does not rest!  And these kinds of projects are perfect for him.  (Gabe actually just told me that he had been making up a story for Louie during bedtime last week about a boy who goes to a junkyard and builds a Frankencar that can fly… it was fate that you stepped in!)

Thank you (endlessly) for such a great gift and inspiration.  I am now ready and excited to go “junk shopping” with him.  


We had a brief but healthy workout this afternoon, striding up and down the steep road at the Peace Sanctuary. We did three climbs, and decided that was enough -- lucky for me!

This was another perfectly lovely and summer-like autumn day -- but rain is coming tomorrow, and no doubt frost before we can blink.