Sunday, October 22, 2017

Yesterday we spent a fun few hours with Annie and young Louie, starting at Mystic Market for lunch. It was fun to sit together at a small table and chat and laugh together. The food was delicious, and the conversation was relaxed and happy. 

We then went to Mystic Aquarium, where we moved among great crowds and tried to see as much as possible. Louie, I think, was distracted by being surrounded by so many people, and sort of dashed from display to display, but I think he loved the variety of colorful, smooth-flowing fish. 

Afterwards, we came back to the house, where Annie and I found time for a short chat while Cia got Louie started on the serious work of taking a toaster apart. It was obviously the highlight of his day for the little guy. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he used screwdrivers and pliers to remove the pieces of the toaster. When Annie announced that they better get back to Jan's, Louie begged her to let him take the toaster with him to work on at Jan's -- and I'll bet the toaster goes back to Northhampton with them, as well.